Care Instructions For Limestone Kitchen Worktops

limestone worktops

Limestone worktops are an excellent addition to any kitchen. They come in soothing pastel shades and uplift the mood of the entire space. Further to this, they add depth and the feeling of more space. However, once you have a limestone worktop installed in your kitchen you should be careful in its maintenance for the worktop to keep looking ‘as good as new’.

Limestone and travertine are both sedimentary rocks formed mainly of calcium carbonate due to mineral deposition. Both these rocks are abundantly found near water bodies and are mined for construction purposes. Owing to their porous nature, both limestone and a travertine worktop will require some special care.

Care Instructions For Limestone Kitchen Worktops

Reaction to Acids

Limestone worktops react to anything acidic. Therefore, you should be careful about spilling any acidic substance such as vinegar, fruit juice or lime juice on your worktop. Immediately wipe off any spillage. This is especially necessary because the juices may seep into the pores of the worktop and stain it. The same goes for water as well. Do not let the spills rest.

Daily Maintenance

For your travertine worktop to maintain its efficiency and appearance you will have to clean it daily. Use a wet cloth to do the job. Also make sure that you use a stone cleaner specific for the worktop to clean it thoroughly on a regular basis. In case there are stains, make a paste of washing soap, water and flour. Gently rub the mixture on the stain and cover it with a plastic wrap for a few hours. You can scrape off the mixture later to get rid of the stain.

Seek Professional Help for Nasty Stains

In case there is a deep stain on your worktop, make sure that you seek the help of professionals working with limestone worktops in UK. They will be able to assist you with appropriate guidance.

Regular Sealing

Another step that you will need to follow is regular resealing of your travertine worktop. Resealing will ensure that the pores of your worktop do not soak in moisture. Moisture will make it vulnerable to bacterial growth. Resealing will also take care of the damage done to the worktop because of exposure to heat.

Be Careful with Temperature and Sharp Objects

Both limestone and travertine react adversely to exposure to heat. Therefore, make sure that you place a trivet or mats when placing hot objects such as pots and pans on your worktop. Moreover, use coasters for water jugs and coffee mugs to prevent the liquids from coming into contact with the worktop. These little steps will go a long in ensuring the longevity of your worktop. Also, do not use any sharp object such as a knife directly on the surface of the worktop. Always use a cutting board.

Limestone worktops in the UK are very popular because of the inherent natural looks. The porous nature of the rock ensures unique patterns and colours. However, you need to be careful around them so that they last for a substantial period of time.

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