Top 5 Free Web Hosting Sites You Need To Know Of

Top 5 Free Web Hosting Sites You Need To Know Of

Whether you want to start your own web page, new site to test out your business plan or you need a website for some purpose, it is better to start out with free websites. Yes, there are some reliable and helpful web hosting sites that give free of cost services.

Free web hosting services like its name stand for web hosting services that are totally free of charge, the service receiver does not have to pay for the services. A free web host features different features like web space and other complimenting services for free. However there are many free web hosting service providers and they all have different web plans. Usually for premium lifetime services, one has to pay but for the time being the free web hosting plans can work for you that is if you can find a good one.  One of the demerits of free web hosting sites is that they tend to force advertisements on your site, however there are some that do not do so.  Pop ups, banners and any other kind of advertisement usually takes space in your web pages and makes it look unmanaged , not neat. That is why when you go for free web hosting sites it is better to look for ad free ones, however even with ads some web hosts have excellent plans.  So, here are top 5 free web hosting sites (ads and no ads both)

 Top 5 free web hosting sites you need to know of:

    1. Zymic : It offers free users plenty of features. From 5000 MB disk space, 50 GB of monthly data transfer, unlimited add-on domains, being ad free to 5 MySQL databases, its web plan is unbeatable. This is one of the best free web hosting sites without a doubt. No doubt it is placed no. 1 in out top 5 free web hosting sites list.
    2. Byehost: It has 5500 MB of disk space, 200 GB monthly data transfers, provides 50 add-on domains, is ad free and comes with 50 MySQL databases. They also have excellent customer care services, so this is definitely one you should try.
    3. 000Webhost: they give you 1500 MB of disk space, 100 GB monthly data transfer, 5 add-on domains, is ad free and has 2 MySQL databases to offer.
    4. Mister: It gives you 250 MB disk space, 5 GB monthly data transfer, 1 add on domain, 1 MySQL database and is ad free. It is an excellent web host with unlimited email features.
    5. Freewebs: this is for those who don’t have much idea about html and want a quick and nice looking website to operate. You have 300 very lovely templates to choose from. They give you 40 MB of disk space, 500 MB monthly transfer, they will force few ad and have 0 MySQL databases. However, for those who are not quite tech savvy, this can work very well.

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