3 Ways Entrepreneurs Are Making It Big Online

3 Ways Entrepreneurs Are Making It Big Online

Inventors and entrepreneurs have had a difficult go of it in the past. They are faced with the expenses and stresses of a full scale company, while simply trying to get their dream off the ground. While any pursuit of success carries with it plenty of risk and stress, entrepreneurs have had greater opportunity since the advent of the internet. Creating a business online means far less risk than creating a brick and mortar store. Getting started online means more affordable advertising as well as ways to begin making sales without having to buy-in for a large amount. Included here are a few ways entrepreneurs are making it big online.


Many people are intimidated by internet business because they believe they are not tech-savvy enough. However, in recent years, building a website has become a far more realistic endeavor and should not be shied away from simply because of the tech-side. Many people start their business through a blog like wordpress and do not have to be skilled at coding.

With the growth of companies like website-in-a-box, you can simply purchase a point-and-click website design and get started with your business immediately. These all-inclusive packages are usually quite affordable and charge a low monthly fee. You can easily update your page and begin interacting with your target audience immediately!


These days it seems like you can’t go anywhere in public without seeing smartphones. While most of them may be used to browse social sites, like Facebook, those smart devices are quite capable in a number of different ways. The cameras on smartphones are constantly becoming more developed and capable of performing well.

With a few simple tips you can learn to shoot videos using just your smartphone. This means you can become a YouTube sensation, market informational videos or simply give people a tour of your workspace with just your phone. If there is anything #AlexfromTarget has taught us, it is that you can become an overnight internet sensation with just a click of your phone.


With tablets saturating the market and becoming a staple in nearly every home, it is no surprise that ebooks are making their debut. Everyone knows reading is healthy but it can be hard to put down the gadgets for a dingy old hard-cover. Amazon has successfully marketed the ebook in a way that you can get any information on your digital device.

Chandler Bolt, a 21-year-old from Australia managed to ditch college and make millions by becoming an online ebook publisher. Everyone wants to read ebooks and you can produce them far more cheaply than printed books cost. Consider pitching your latest idea, life story or business plan via ebook. You just might make millions; without ever leaving your home!

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