3 Ways To Avoid Being Rejected When Proposing To Your Girlfriend

Getting rejected after a dramatic proposal is always a possibility. No matter how much you prepare for it, you can still get rejected. You might be confident that you totally love each other and she can’t say no to you. The truth is that anything can happen. She can get overwhelmed during the proposal. She might be overcome by fear. She might also think that you are not the right person for her and she can’t afford to say yes and reject you later. Most of the time, the actual proposal is what matters. Therefore, you need to make sure that this is the best proposal possible. Here are important tips to remember to avoid getting rejected.

3 Ways To Avoid Being Rejected When Proposing To Your Girlfriend

  1. Don’t be too cocky. Make sure that you look confident when asking the question, but not in a cocky kind of way. She will know it if you are just trying to impress her. This is true especially if asking the question in public. You might be too caught up with the idea that there is a dramatic production that you are staging to the point that you forget this is not a moment to impress the world. The only person who needs to be impressed is the person you are proposing to.
  2. Make it all about her. There are times when you feel like the whole thing is about you and your love for her. You forget that this is actually about her. She is the person who will say yes. She is the one who will give up being single just to marry you. She didn’t want to be in this position in the first place. Therefore, you need to make her feel special. She should feel good about this decision. Let go of the dramatic aspects of the proposal if it might make her feel annoyed or embarrassed. Again, it is a proposal to get her yes, so her feelings should also be considered.
  3. Buy the best ring. Not to demean women, but they surely love jewellery. If you give them anything less than what they expect, it could affect their decision. This is why you need to buy the best ring out there. Make sure that it is matched with her personality. You should also spend time searching for it instead of just finding one at the last minute. She deserves only the best. You can buy online if you really are busy. There are tons of choices online anyway.

Once everything is ready, you can go ahead and pop the question. You may also play Slots Online while waiting for her to arrive. Again, anything can happen. It is important that you feel confident and good about this whole proposal. At the same time, you must be ready whatever her answer is.

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